Kindergarten and Grades 1 to 12

(Grade 11&12 Academic track of ABM, HUMSS and STEM)


SAINT LOUIS SCHOOL, INC. (CENTER) has continuously grown towards the definition and fuller understanding of her Vision-Mission which, in the context of the situation of the Filipino people has given shape to the Louisian Education marked with social responsibility and leadership for the common good.

Daily encounter of the students with the teachers, administrators and various personnel in the school community plays a significant role in the process, leading to personal transformation and integration, promoting social transformation.

Personal integration and societal transformation are possible only where education contextualizes its total school program in the lives of the people in the community, the world and the whole of creation. This process is facilitated by a conducive learning atmosphere brought about by the various sectors in the school in collaboration with parents, guardians and the community who take personal and group responsibility to build enabling relationships guided by basic agreements on behavior within and beyond the school campus inspired by the school’s vision- mission.

The core content of the total school program is RELATIONSHIPS in LIFE rooted in FAITH. All are meant to help deepen faith-life through enculturated, integral and contextualized teaching-learning contents and processes of school and non – school knowledge. The core subject of the classroom instruction is the Christian Living Formation strongly supported by Araling Panlipunan.

Chart of the Interplay among Classroom Instruction (CIn), Practicum (Pr) and Community Involvement (CIt)